“Happiness is found in doing, not merely possessing.” – Napoleon Hill
Move it !
In the Cause & Effect Continuum Gear 7 is all about the importance of movement, of doing, of action and habit patterns and their effect on emotions and feelings. Our daily habit patterns can have a huge impact on our mental-emotional states.
I love this verse “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” -- your mindset --- The key here is not just once in a while but every single day preferably in the morning. Even though you may be carrying unhappy thoughts and feelings from the day before. Always think of this day as a new, clean slate. And if you really think about it, it is. Your day is what you make of it.
Your morning routine coupled with your overall demeanor is the rudder of your day. Good habits can make our day more efficient. Those habit patterns come up out of the subconscious as a conditioned response. Know this. You and I have habits that are always contributing to either our happiness OR our unhappiness. It all stacks up. Everything counts.
Try this right now unless you’re in a car or on an airplane, stand up as tall as you can. Really stretch, shoulders back. Now look up, and take 10 deep breaths. I know this sounds so simple and this is not new but, it’s still an effective action-habit that works. All these exercises are designed to override your established disempowering habit patterns, not “break the habit “
Next time you’re out walking make a conscious effort to look up, up, up. Look at the tops of the trees and buildings,
What are you focusing on? What you want, or what you don’t want? It’s always, always one or the other. If you don’t seize control of your thinking you will fall into what speaker Mel Robbins calls “default mode” which accounts for about 46 % of our daily thought habit patterns. We must deliberately make the effort to steer our thinking into the kind of thinking that says “NO” to the default rut thinking. I’m not saying it’s easy, but I am saying it’s worth it. One way to do this is by assembling key questions about any possibility without restriction. Instead of the disempowering conditional thinking of, “IF/THEN” , you ask yourself, “What If?
The answers are in the questions
The following is just a sample of perspective-changing empowering questions you should ask right now.
Questions like:
What could I do differently today that would move me in the direction I really want to go?
If I choose to procrastinate on this important decision, how will I pay for it later? Is it worth the price?
What can I start today that’s new and different and forward moving?
What can I stop doing today that’s not moving me forward?
What can I do more of?
What can I do less of?
What’s preventing me from reaching my goal?
What am I grateful for right now?
IF “every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.” As Napoleon Hill says what is the hidden benefit in what I’m going through right now?
What do I value above all else? Why?
OK now here we go, be honest, be diligent DON’T leave the room or your present space until you can walk away with an honest answer!
What am I happy about in my life today?
Check out the chapter on Gear 4 and learn about the “big six” question destiny shaping tools.
“When you change what you look at, what you look at changes.” Wayne Dyer
Expressing sincere, heartfelt gratitude is a great way to change your moods and attitude.
Gear 6: Decision/Choice (Revisited)
“Most people are as happy as the decide to be.” – Abraham Linclon
Can you ‘choose’ to be happy ?
Yes, you can! the reason is there is a gap or space between what happens to us and what we choose to do. We can react or respond, It’s always our choice. And for various reasons, we get distracted from important guiding principles or spend too much time majoring in minor things. We forget about our gifted power of choice-decision and how the quality and direction of our lives is determined by the decisions we make every day. As Brian Tracy says, “everything counts.” This gear-factor really counts in framing our destiny and influencing our level of happiness. This gear-factor carries great influence in the quality of our lives, the choices we make about what to do, what to believe, how to respond or react, what to stop or what to begin. One more thing; If we sincerely want to make changes that move us in the direction of our goals and aspirations, we must be committed to our decision and back it with intense desire. In other words, you gotta really, really want to invest in these ideas and exercises to have any value. The decisions and choices we make every day have much more influence on our lives than any external experiences and circumstances. That’s how powerful Gear 6 is in shaping our outcomes, results, and conditions. With regard to our happiness-related decisions Tony Robbins puts it quite eloquently when he boldly states, “The most important decision you can make above any on the face of the earth is deciding that no matter what happens in your life, you’re going to live in a beautiful state.”
It is my hope and desire that you commit to thinking through and studying each of these concepts and that you go back and reread all four parts again. I guarantee you will see something of importance that you didn’t see before. Here’s to your happiness!
-Thomas Tolman, Author of The 7 Gears Between Cause & Effect
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